Friday, January 25, 2008

Out of Town :)

Hey guys!
I'll be going out of town all weekend, starting in the AM so I wont be able to check in :) I'll be back Monday! If there is a delay in response from me - this would be why!!!

Have a fabulous weekend!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Post Office!!

Hey guys, just a quick post!!!

For those of you out there waiting on your orders in the mail, they are going out TODAY! I can finally make it to the post office, so out they go!! I'm SO terribly sorry for the extra time due to having no vehicle (for well over a week, BOO! but all better now :) ). You guys know how I'm a little "obsessed" with my turn-around time being as fast as possible so these extra days having your orders were no fun for me!!! Thank you so much for being so great about it, you guys all are AWESOME!

Enjoy!!!!! Thanks again everyone, have a GREAT week!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Peak, again :)

Reconginize this face from my website?! Oh my she's SO cute, It was time for 9 months pictures today! We dressed her up all kinds of cute!!
Just posting a little peak for her mommy!!!!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Just a tiiiiny little peak for this sweet little peanuts mommy & daddy!! Is she ADORABLE or what?! Oh my...I had such a wonderful time at her session today!

Only thing better than a newborn is a newborn where I get to shoot the whole session in natural light! YEA!!!! ...Makes my soul happy!

More to come of this sweetie, she's my latest baby planner so we all get to watch her grow too!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

2008 Specials!

Hey everyone!

Since my Baby's First Year Plan is always a popular special, I decided to announce what months of the year the special will be ran in 2008! ...this way you guys can plan ahead if you would like!

Each special will be a bit of a different deal, but they will be ran during the months of April, August and December!

Also, if you have a baby who is already past the newborn stage and would still like a Plan, we have a new "Custom" plan that is available! ....and this ones not limited to babies under the age of's available to any child under 5 years old!!!

If you want more details, just drop us an email!

Have a great day guys!!