Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

First of all...THANK YOU for all of the votes this photo contest!!! You guys are doing SOOOOOOOO great getting all those votes in!! ....Just a thought, but Thanksgiving is TOMORROW! (ahh!) so while you have all that family there, make them jump on a computer and vote for you too!!! ...They cant "forget" when you are standing right there! hehe!!! ...I'm even gonna make my family vote for all of you guys, Ha!!!

Also I just wanted to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have a wonderful day filled with love and thanks. I'm so very thankful for so many things this year, I might just spend the whole DAY in prayer giving that Thanks to God for all of the wonderful blessing in my life right now. I hope you guys have just as many wonderful things to be thankful for. Each of you mean more to me than you know...I always walk away from a session feeling like my family has been extended. That alone is a huge blessing, you guys are all so great!

I hope you have a fantastic day and are surrounded by everyone you love.
Warmest wishes,

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